Shastra Sheets are enjoyable and informative comprehension worksheets for young devotees.
Shastra sheets present stories from Srila Prabhupada’s books in an easily understandable way.
The stories in Shastra Sheets are based on the following books by His Divine Grace, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,
Founder Acarya of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness:
Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead
Srimad Bhagavatam
Caitanya Caritamrita
The style of the worksheets is like that used in UK Standard Assessment Tests (SATs).
Jagadananda's Oil
Jagadananada's Quilt
Jagadananda's Anger
Jarasandha's Birth
Jarasandha's Battles
Krishna Lures Kalayavana to his Death by Fire
Bhima Kills Jarasandha
Narada Muni’s Life
Narada Muni Visits Shrila Vayasadeva
Jaya and Vijaya Fall from Vaikuntha
Lord Varaha Rescues the Earth and Slays the Demon Hiranyaksha
Lord Brahma Populates the World
The Yadus Depart from This World
Lord Chaitanya Enlightens a Group of Wicked Buddhists
King Yudhishthira's Lamentation and the Departure of Bhishmadeva
Ashvatthama's Evil Deeds
Lord Caitanya Travels to South India
Krishna Kills Shalva
Vasudeva Meets Lord Chaitanya
The Illiterate Brahmana
Sakshi Gopala
King Nriga
Madhavendra Puri Rescues Gopala
Madhavendra Puri’s Journey to Jagannatha Puri
Sudama Brahmana Blessed by Lord Krishna
Lord Chaitanya Blesses King Prataparudra
Krishna and the Sages Visit the City of Mithila
The Frog in the Well